Token List
The Panora Token List is a comprehensive, community-driven collection of tokens. It is designed to provide accurate information and eliminate confusion between similar-looking tokens, providing users with confidence and clarity while trading.
Panora Tags
To enhance token classification and identification, we’ve introduced a field `panoraTags` in token list response. This field combines categories and labels into a single parameter, providing clearer insights and context about each token's status and characteristics. Here’s what they represent:
Categories (Tokens are segregated on Panora UI based on their category):
Native: Tokens that are native to the chain and issued directly on it (excludes emojicoin and meme)
Emojicoin: Tokens launched on (includes both graduated and non-graduated emojicoins)
Meme: Tokens primarily driven by community hype, memes, or trends
Bridged: Tokens that originate from another chain and are bridged for use
Verified Tokens with verified logo-to-address mapping to prevent confusion with similar tokens and meet nominal threshold metrics are eligible for Verified label. Verification focuses solely on ensuring accurate identification and does not imply endorsement, financial advice, or guarantee visibility on the Panora UI.
Verification and Visibility: While we do not currently enforce strict verification metrics criteria, we monitor several key metrics to assess a token's label and/or its visibility on the Panora UI. These metrics are subject to changes and include, but are not limited to, liquidity, market cap, daily trading volume, total holder count, % of supply held by the top 10 holders, and stability of these metrics over a period of time. Verification Process: Projects can apply for the Verified label by submitting a Pull Request (PR) on the Panora Token List GitHub repo and posting an attestation tweet from their official X (Twitter) account. See the following page for a detailed step-by-step guide. Note:
Not all projects may receive Verified status immediately and may remain as Recognized or Unverified after community review. Additionally, Verified label and/or default visibility of any token on Panora UI may be revoked due to factors such as updated verification criteria, community concerns or lack of transparency from the token project's development team, instability or significant drops in key metrics over a period of time. This is solely to protect the community and you are welcome to re-apply and re-tweet once your project gains more traction and community support. Projects within private Aptos Ecosystem Telegram groups or recognized by other Aptos Ecosystem projects and community members are prioritized for faster verification.
Emojicoins launched on are currently not assigned any labels. All graduated emojicoins are automatically set as panoraUI = true.
Recognized Tokens that have logo-to-address mapping, but may not be tradable or recognized by the community yet, or have had their verified label revoked. Recognized tokens might also include niche or new tokens that are still in the early stages of establishing community support or demonstrating stability.
Unverified Tokens that have not yet undergone the verification process but meet the minimum nominal liquidity requirements and have unique metadata. These tokens may or may not be recognized by the community and are hidden by default in the Panora UI. Unverified status is common for new or recently launched tokens and users can choose to trade these tokens at their own discretion.
Banned Tokens that are restricted due to confirmed malicious behavior or security risks. It is recommended to avoid trading these assets.
InternalFA Addresses created by certain DEX's before the pairing between Coin and Fungible Asset (FA) standard tokens were established. These may have unique behaviors or limitations.
LP (Liquidity Pool) Tokens that represent liquidity pool shares after adding liquidity in trading pairs, indicating the proportion of assets held within a liquidity pool.
Important Reminder: Tokens don’t need to have a Verified or Recognized label to be tradable. All tokens are automatically and instantly available for trading on Panora and all of its integrator partners and can be accessed by using the complete token address.
Tokens Visible on Panora UI
By default, only tokens marked as panoraUI = true are displayed on the Panora UI, along with any other tokens held in the user's wallet, ensuring easy access to owned assets. However, all tokens available on-chain are searchable on Panora UI by name, symbol, emoji, or address.
Accessing the Panora token list
The Panora Token List can be accessed via the Token List GitHub Repository or through the public API endpoint
Public API Key:
Note: For large-scale public applications, please submit a ticket on Discord to request a dedicated API key for enhanced performance and reliability.
API Usage Example:
Query Parameters
chainId (string, optional): The chain ID associated with the token (Default: 1 for Aptos Mainnet).
tokenAddress (string, optional): Comma-separated list of coin (legacy) and/or FA addresses. The API returns the details for the specified tokens. If not provided, the query will return details of all tokens marked as panoraUI = true.
panoraUI (boolean, optional): If set to true, only tokens that are visible on the Panora UI are returned. Set as true, false to get all tokens in the list. Default is true.
panoraTags (string, optional): Returns tokens based on their associated tags. All available tags are listed under the 'Panora Tags' section at the start of this page.
Aptos Token List Response
The response object contains the following fields:
chainId: The chain ID associated with the token (Default: 1 for Aptos Mainnet)
tokenAddress: The complete address of the token as per the Aptos Coin Standard (Legacy)
faAddress: The complete address of the token as per the Aptos Fungible Asset (FA) Standard
name: The on-chain registered name of the token
symbol: The on-chain registered symbol of the token
decimals: The number of decimal places of the token
bridge: The bridge associated with the token, if applicable (optional)
panoraSymbol: Similar to symbol, but with prefixes based on the bridge:
for LayerZero,wh
for Wormhole, andce
for CelerlogoUrl: The URL for the token’s logo(optional)
websiteUrl: The official website URL of the token (optional)
panoraUI: When set to true, displays the token name and logo on the Panora interface.
panoraTags: Lists the tags associated with the token.
panoraIndex: The default sorting order of tokens within the Panora UI
coinGeckoId: The CoinGecko ID of the token (optional)
coinMarketCapId: The CoinMarketCap ID of the token (optional)
Example Response:
Kindly include proper attribution when using the API in projects or presentations. Mention “Powered by Panora” wherever applicable.
The Panora Token List is continuously evolving, and we welcome feedback and suggestions from users, community members, and protocols to help refine and enhance it for the entire ecosystem. We may add any requirements and remove some over time, based on the learnings and feedback from the community. If you have any suggestions, then reach out to us!!
Last updated