πŸͺ™Aptos Token List

Panora's Aptos Token List provides a comprehensive and regularly updated collection of tokens on Aptos chain for seamless integration and enhanced functionality in your DeFi applications.

Panora is dedicated to empowering the Aptos community with a seamless and secure trading experience for all tokens. Our platform supports both established and emerging tokens and guarantees that every token meets our stringent verification standards. This enables you to trade with confidence and peace of mind.

Our Commitment

  • Superior Aggregation: Combining liquidity from all available sources on Aptos for optimal swap and trade experience.

  • Best Rates: Utilizing advanced multi-hop and split routing algorithms to secure the best rates.

  • Exceptional UI/UX: Enjoy an intuitive and user-friendly interface designed for effortless trading.

  • Advanced Token Discovery: Providing a comprehensive and categorized catalog of all tradeable tokens on the Aptos chain.

Aptos Token List

This Token List is the go-to categorized catalog for both legacy coins and Fungible Assets tradeable on the Aptos chain. You can use the JSON file in github to fetch the Aptos Token List

This list contains:

  • Community-Validated Tokens: Tokens with details verified by the community/partners and are visible on the Panora platform. To get included, a token must establish a strong brand presence and credibility within the Aptos ecosystem. For example, you need to be active enough to at least be a part of the private Aptos Ecosystem telegram groups. These tokens are accessible from the Token List by setting 'isInPanoraTokenList' parameter to 'true'.

  • Non-Validated Tokens: Established or emerging tokens with sufficient liquidity on Aptos, even if not community-validated yet. Tokens get added or dropped from here automatically based on minimum liquidity criteria, which is subject to changes. These tokens are accessible from the Token List by setting 'isInPanoraTokenList' parameter to β€˜false’.

  • Banned Tokens: Tokens that are prohibited from trading on Panora and partner projects using this list, thereby ensuring user safety. These tokens are accessible from the Token List by setting 'isBanned' parameter to 'true'.

Aptos Token List Response

The response object consists of the following fields:

  • chainId: The chain ID to which the token belongs. (Note: The default chain ID is 1 for Aptos Mainnet)

  • tokenAddress: The complete address used for identifying the token as per Aptos core framework

  • name: The name of the token

  • symbol: The symbol registered by the token minter on-chain

  • decimals: The number of decimal places for the token

  • bridge: The bridge associated with the token, if any (optional)

  • panoraSymbol: Similar to symbol, but with prefixes based on the bridge: lz for LayerZero, wh for Wormhole, and ce for Celersimilar to symbol, except: layerzero symbols use lz prefix, wormhole symbols use wh prefix and celer symbols use ce prefix

  • logoUrl: The URL for the token's logo

  • category: The token's classification (Native, Meme, or Bridged)

  • isInPanoraTokenList: Indicates if the token is community-validated and visible for trading on the Panora platform

  • isBanned: Indicates if the token is prohibited from trading

  • panoraOrderIndex: The default sorting order for tokens within Panora Swap

  • coinGeckoId: The CoinGecko ID, which may be used to fetch price feeds (optional)

  • coinMarketCapId: The CoinMarketCap ID, which may be used to fetch price feeds (optional).


    "chainId": 1,
    "tokenAddress": "0xf22bede237a07e121b56d91a491eb7bcdfd1f5907926a9e58338f964a01b17fa::asset::USDC",
    "name": "USD Coin",
    "symbol": "USDC",
    "decimals": 6,
    "bridge": "LayerZero",
    "panoraSymbol": "lzUSDC",
    "logoUrl": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PanoraExchange/Aptos-Tokens/main/logos/USDC.svg",
    "websiteUrl": null,
    "category": "Bridged",
    "isInPanoraTokenList": true,
    "isBanned": false,
    "panoraOrderIndex": 15,
    "coinGeckoId": "usd-coin",
    "coinMarketCapId": 3408

Collaborate with us πŸ€β€Š

The Aptos Token List is in its initial phase, and we're eager to partner with users, community members and protocols to develop and refine it for the benefit of the entire ecosystem.

If you have any suggestions, then talk to us!!

Last updated